Paleokastritsa, Corfu

Hannah Gardner: Personal Assistant & Illustrator

Like most people I have a myriad of places I am fond of and where I enjoy whiling away the hours.  Undoubtedly, however, there is nowhere I feel more at home than when I’m skiing over the sea.

My first experience of waterskiing happened whilst sleeping.  When I woke from that dream I had such a feeling of bliss that I couldn’t have been happier.  It wasn’t until a few years later when I eventually took to the waves that the dream became real.

I had no idea when I put the skis on that it would feel like the most natural activity in the world.  Within seconds I was upright, negotiating the waves.  With the refreshing salt spray and the scent of the ocean tumbling over me, glinted shards of sun floated upwards, my heart beat loudly, my breath was amplified and I wore a smile as wide as the horizon.  The feeling of being at one with nature and flowing over the waves made me feel alive like never before.

There is something so magical about the infinite sea with its crests and troughs, its ever evolving, shining design.  When I get the chance to glide over it I feel privileged to balance on its mysterious surface and travel paths that will never be repeated quite the same again.