Ming Chung: Head of Model Making, AHMM
My workplace is at AHMM Architects in London, where I have been for the past seventeen years, but I live with my family in Sittingbourne in Kent. My real place, however, is in Hong Kong where I was born and where my parents still live. That’s where I feel most at home. I came to the UK when I was fifteen to board and study at Ashville College in Harrogate. That too soon became my place because I was very happy at school. It was in the Design Centre that I discovered I had a talent for building intricate architectural models, where I returned years later with some of my models, hopefully to get more young Ashvillians excited about placemaking.
I am pictured here with my boss, Simon Allford and my model of our New City Court development, in London. It will provide new public realm that bridges between existing pockets of public open space to the north and south of the site. Generous new public open spaces, built on the historic yard typology, will greatly enhance connectivity in the local area. The creation of new public realm will help ease the pressure on these existing open spaces and pedestrian routes, given that the area is a major draw for both business and tourists, combined with London Bridge being one of London’s busiest transport hubs.
As a native of Hong Kong, where space is at a premium, I love to see and model gardens. Here, the elevated garden will provide a generous sheltered public space for the enjoyment of members of the public and building users, with carefully designed abundant planting – integrating a theme of medicinal plants associated with the neighbouring historic London hospitals.