A Million Miles Away

Angela Brady: Architect.

I painted this for UK Specialist Hospitals. It comprises 1m x 1m panels and was designed for a double height atrium, where they wanted a splash of colour! My client asked me to paint something large and calming for the reception cafe.

It is based on Rory Gallagher’s song A Million Miles Away, which he wrote whilst walking along the west coast of Ireland, looking out to the Atlantic. When painting it I played the song loud, which helps with the brush strokes. I also painted sixteen other large landscape canvases for the long white corridors of this new hospital.

It took me about six full days to complete.  I had to paint it in the garden because the work as a whole is five metres tall and three metres wide, a lot of canvases and a lot of paint. Everything in the house was blue for weeks afterwards, including the inside of the fridge.