Jake Thompson: Architect.
My place today, is my caravan. If you’d asked me last year it might have been the tree house I was building for my son, or the year previous the garage where I was re-building a motorbike. My place tends to be the thing that has gripped me, at that moment.
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and growing up without knowing I had ADHD was, at times, challenging. I didn’t do well at school, I pretty much dropped out (despite doing my exams and funding this myself). I left to do the only thing I was good at, Art. Following this I think my parents had probably had enough of my lacklustre lifestyle and insisted I find work. I found an apprenticeship as an Architectural Technician where I studied for my National Award, HNC & HND in Constriction. Each year I was growing in knowledge, experience and maturity, coming away with several college awards and distinctions. Several years later I have ended up working for TP Bennett (AJ100) as an Associate Director.
ADHD comes with a stigma, generally denoting someone who is easily distracted, forgetful and lacks attention (which can be true) but I like to see the positive side of it. Having ADHD can make you focussed, HYPER FOCUSSED. I have experienced this throughout my whole life. I also called it being ‘faddy’, I always had a fad. Looking back on this, all these ‘fads’ were all MY PLACE; the things I was giving 100% of my time, attention and usually finance towards. In these places, I was HAPPY! I was myself, free and doing what I loved.